
初めてのプラグイン フォームメール - CakePHP1.2RC2 その3設定編

前々回 その1モデル編
前回 その2送信編からの続編です


将来を見越して、admin routesしてみる。


class FormMailElementsController extends FormMailAppController {

    public $name = 'FormMailElements';

    function admin_add()
        if (!empty($this->data)) {
            if ($this->FormMailElement->save($this->data)) {
                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The FormMailElement has been saved', true));
                    'controller' => 'form_mail_forms',
                    'action' => 'view',
            } else {
                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The FormMailElement could not be saved. Please, try again.', true));
        } else {
            if (!empty($this->params['named']['form'])) {
                    = $this->params['named']['form'];
            } else {
                $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid FormMailElement', true));
                    'controller' => 'form_mail_forms',
                    'action' => 'index'
        $types = $this->FormMailElement->types;
        $rules = $this->FormMailElement->rules;
        $this->set(compact('types', 'rules'));

    function admin_edit($id = null)
        if (!$id && empty($this->data)) {
            $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid FormMailElement', true));
            $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
        if (!empty($this->data)) {
            if ($this->FormMailElement->save($this->data)) {
                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The FormMailElement has been saved', true));
                    'controller' => 'form_mail_forms',
                    'action' => 'view',
            } else {
                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The FormMailElement could not be saved. Please, try again.', true));
        if (empty($this->data)) {
            $this->data = $this->FormMailElement->read(null, $id);
        $types = $this->FormMailElement->types;
        $rules = $this->FormMailElement->rules;
        $this->set(compact('types', 'rules'));

    function admin_delete($id = null)
        if (!$id) {
            $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid id for FormMailElement', true));
                'controller' => 'form_mail_forms',
                'action' => 'index'
        $form_id = $this->FormMailElement->field('form_mail_form_id', array('id' => $id));
        if ($this->FormMailElement->del($id)) {
            $this->Session->setFlash(__('FormMailElement deleted', true));
                'controller' => 'form_mail_forms',
                'action' => 'view',



class FormMailFormsController extends FormMailAppController {
    public $name = 'FormMailForms';
    public $scaffold;

    function admin_index()
        $this->FormMailForm->recursive = 0;
        $this->set('formMailForms', $this->paginate());

    function admin_view($id = null)
        if (!$id) {
            $this->flash(__('Invalid FormMailForm', true), array('action' => 'index'));
        $this->set('formMailForm', $this->FormMailForm->read(null, $id));

        $types = $this->FormMailForm->FormMailElement->types;
        $rules = $this->FormMailForm->FormMailElement->rules;
        $this->set(compact('types', 'rules'));

    function admin_add()
        if (!empty($this->data)) {
            if ($this->FormMailForm->save($this->data)) {
                $this->flash(__('FormMailForm saved.', true), array('action' => 'index'));
            } else {

    function admin_edit($id = null)
        if (!$id && empty($this->data)) {
            $this->flash(__('Invalid FormMailForm', true), array('action' => 'index'));
        if (!empty($this->data)) {
            if ($this->FormMailForm->save($this->data)) {
                $this->flash(__('The FormMailForm has been saved.', true), array('action' => 'index'));
            } else {
        if (empty($this->data)) {
            $this->data = $this->FormMailForm->read(null, $id);

    function admin_delete($id = null)
        if (!$id) {
            $this->flash(__('Invalid FormMailForm', true), array('action' => 'index'));
        if ($this->FormMailForm->del($id)) {
            $this->flash(__('FormMailForm deleted', true), array('action' => 'index'));




<div class="formMailElements form">
<?php echo $form->create('FormMailElement');?>
        <legend><?php __('Add FormMailElement');?></legend>
        echo $form->input('form_mail_form_id', array('type' => 'hidden'));
        echo $form->input('label');
        echo $form->input('type', array('options' => $types));
        echo $form->input('options');
        echo $form->input('rule', array('options' => $rules, 'empty' => true));
        echo $form->input('required');
<?php echo $form->end('Submit');?>


<div class="formMailElements form">
<?php echo $form->create('FormMailElement');?>
        <legend><?php __('Edit FormMailElement');?></legend>
        echo $form->input('id');
        echo $form->input('label');
        echo $form->input('type', array('options' => $types));
        echo $form->input('options');
        echo $form->input('rule', array('options' => $rules, 'empty' => true));
        echo $form->input('required');
<?php echo $form->end('Submit');?>


<div class="formMailForms form">
<?php echo $form->create('FormMailForm');?>
        <legend><?php __('Add FormMailForm');?></legend>
        echo $form->input('title');
        echo $form->input('email');
<?php echo $form->end('Submit');?>
<div class="actions">
        <li><?php echo $html->link(__('List FormMailForms', true), array('action'=>'index'));?></li>


<div class="formMailForms form">
<?php echo $form->create('FormMailForm');?>
        <legend><?php __('Edit FormMailForm');?></legend>
        echo $form->input('id');
        echo $form->input('title');
        echo $form->input('email');
<?php echo $form->end('Submit');?>
<div class="actions">
        <li><?php echo $html->link(__('Delete', true), array('action'=>'delete', $form->value('FormMailForm.id')), null, sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to delete # %s?', true), $form->value('FormMailForm.id'))); ?></li>
        <li><?php echo $html->link(__('List FormMailForms', true), array('action'=>'index'));?></li>


<div class="formMailForms index">
<h2><?php __('FormMailForms');?></h2>
echo $paginator->counter(array(
'format' => __('Page %page% of %pages%, showing %current% records out of %count% total, starting on record %start%, ending on %end%', true)
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <th><?php echo $paginator->sort('id');?></th>
    <th><?php echo $paginator->sort('title');?></th>
    <th><?php echo $paginator->sort('email');?></th>
    <th class="actions"><?php __('Actions');?></th>
$i = 0;
foreach ($formMailForms as $formMailForm):
    $class = null;
    if ($i++ % 2 == 0) {
        $class = ' class="altrow"';
    <tr<?php echo $class;?>>
            <?php echo $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id']; ?>
            <?php echo $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['title']; ?>
            <?php echo $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['email']; ?>
        <td class="actions">
            <?php echo $html->link(__('View', true), array('action'=>'view', $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id'])); ?>
            <?php echo $html->link(__('Edit', true), array('action'=>'edit', $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id'])); ?>
            <?php echo $html->link(__('Delete', true), array('action'=>'delete', $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id']), null, sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to delete # %s?', true), $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id'])); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="paging">
    <?php echo $paginator->prev('<< '.__('previous', true), array(), null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
 |  <?php echo $paginator->numbers();?>
    <?php echo $paginator->next(__('next', true).' >>', array(), null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
<div class="actions">
        <li><?php echo $html->link(__('New FormMailForm', true), array('action'=>'add')); ?></li>


<div class="formMailForms view">
<h2><?php  __('FormMailForm');?></h2>
    <dl><?php $i = 0; $class = ' class="altrow"';?>
        <dt<?php if ($i % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>><?php __('Id'); ?></dt>
        <dd<?php if ($i++ % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>
            <?php echo $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id']; ?>
        <dt<?php if ($i % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>><?php __('Title'); ?></dt>
        <dd<?php if ($i++ % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>
            <?php echo $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['title']; ?>
        <dt<?php if ($i % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>><?php __('Email'); ?></dt>
        <dd<?php if ($i++ % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>
            <?php echo $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['email']; ?>
<div class="actions">
        <li><?php echo $html->link(__('Edit FormMailForm', true), array('action'=>'edit', $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id'])); ?> </li>
        <li><?php echo $html->link(__('Delete FormMailForm', true), array('action'=>'delete', $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id']), null, sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to delete # %s?', true), $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id'])); ?> </li>
        <li><?php echo $html->link(__('List FormMailForms', true), array('action'=>'index')); ?> </li>
<div class="related">
    <h3><?php __('Related Form Mail Elements');?></h3>
    <?php if (!empty($formMailForm['FormMailElement'])):?>
    <table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0">
        <th><?php __('Id'); ?></th>
        <th><?php __('Label'); ?></th>
        <th><?php __('Type'); ?></th>
        <th><?php __('Options'); ?></th>
        <th><?php __('Rule'); ?></th>
        <th><?php __('Required'); ?></th>
        <th class="actions"><?php __('Actions');?></th>
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($formMailForm['FormMailElement'] as $formMailElement):
            $class = null;
            if ($i++ % 2 == 0) {
                $class = ' class="altrow"';
        <tr<?php echo $class;?>>
            <td><?php echo $formMailElement['id'];?></td>
            <td><?php echo $formMailElement['label'];?></td>
            <td><?php echo $types[$formMailElement['type']];?></td>
            <td><?php echo $formMailElement['options'];?></td>
                <?php echo ($formMailElement['rule'])
                    ? $rules[$formMailElement['rule']]: '';?>
                <?php echo ($formMailElement['required']) ? '必須': '';?>
            <td class="actions">
                <?php echo $html->link(__('Edit', true), array('controller'=> 'form_mail_elements', 'action'=>'edit', $formMailElement['id'])); ?>
                <?php echo $html->link(__('Delete', true), array('controller'=> 'form_mail_elements', 'action'=>'delete', $formMailElement['id']), null, sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to delete # %s?', true), $formMailElement['id'])); ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

    <div class="actions">
            <li><?php echo $html->link(__('New Form Mail Element', true), array('controller'=> 'form_mail_elements', 'action'=>'add', 'form' => $formMailForm['FormMailForm']['id']));?> </li>
