
Ubuntu MRTG インストールメモ


$ sudo apt-get install mrtg
$ sudo apt-get install snmpd
$ sudo apt-get install snmp


$ sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
- com2sec paranoid  default         public
+ #com2sec paranoid  default         public
#com2sec readonly  default         public
#com2sec readwrite default         private
+ com2sec local localhost           private
+ com2sec mynetwork public ←環境に合わせる

group MyROSystem v1        paranoid
group MyROSystem v2c       paranoid
group MyROSystem usm       paranoid
group MyROGroup v1         readonly
group MyROGroup v2c        readonly
group MyROGroup usm        readonly
group MyRWGroup v1         readwrite
group MyRWGroup v2c        readwrite
group MyRWGroup usm        readwrite
+ group MyRWGroup any        local
+ group MyROGroup any        mynetwork

access MyROSystem ""     any       noauth    exact  system none   none
- access MyROGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    none   none
+ #access MyROGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    none   none
- access MyRWGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    all    none
+ #access MyRWGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    all    none
+ access MyROGroup ""      any       noauth    0      all    none   none
+ access MyRWGroup ""      any       noauth    0      all    all    all

- #disk / 10000
+ disk / 10000
$ sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd restart


$ sudo -s
# cfgmaker --no-down private@localhost > mrtg.cfg
# vim /etc/mrtg.cfg
#  to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right
# Options[_]: growright, bits
+ Options[_]: growright, noinfo

-                <div id="sysdetails">
-                        <table>
-                                <tr>
-                                        <td>System:</td>
-                                        <td>ubu in Unknown (configure /etc/snmp/snmpd.local.conf)</td>
-                                </tr>
-                                <tr>
-                                        <td>Maintainer:</td>
-                                        <td>Root &lt;root@localhost&gt; (configure /etc/snmp/snmpd.local.conf)</td>
-                                </tr>
-                                <tr>
-                                        <td>Description:</td>
-                                        <td>eth0  </td>
-                                </tr>
-                                <tr>
-                                        <td>ifType:</td>
-                                        <td>ethernetCsmacd (6)</td>
-                                </tr>
-                                <tr>
-                                        <td>ifName:</td>
-                                        <td>eth0</td>
-                                </tr>
-                                <tr>
-                                        <td>Max Speed:</td>
-                                        <td>1250.0 kBytes/s</td>
-                                </tr>
-                                <tr>
-                                        <td>Ip:</td>
-                                        <td> (ubu.local)</td>
-                                </tr>
-                        </table>
-                </div>

+ Target[cpu]: .
+ MaxBytes[cpu]: 100
+ Options[cpu]: growright, noinfo, nopercent
+ YLegend[cpu]: CPU usage(%)
+ ShortLegend[cpu]: (%)
+ LegendI[cpu]: user
+ LegendO[cpu]: system
+ Legend1[cpu]: CPU usage(user)(%)
+ Legend2[cpu]: CPU usage(system)(%)
+ Title[cpu]: CPU usage
+ PageTop[cpu]: <h1>CPU usage</h1>

+ Target[mem]: .
+ MaxBytes1[mem]: 4054440 ←freeコマンドで取得した値
+ MaxBytes2[mem]: 7815612 ←freeコマンドで取得した値
+ Unscaled[mem]: dwmy
+ Options[mem]: gauge, absolute, growright, noinfo
+ YLegend[mem]: Mem Free(Bytes)
+ ShortLegend[mem]: Bytes
+ kilo[mem]: 1024
+ kMG[mem]: k,M,G,T,P
+ LegendI[mem]: Real
+ LegendO[mem]: Swap
+ Legend1[mem]: free physical memory[MBytes]
+ Legend2[mem]: free swap[MBytes]
+ Title[mem]: free memory
+ PageTop[mem]: <h1>free memory</h1>

+ Target[disk]: .
+ MaxBytes[disk]: 100
+ Unscaled[disk]: dwmy
+ Options[disk]: gauge, absolute, growright, nopercent, noinfo
+ YLegend[disk]: Disk Used(%)
+ ShortLegend[disk]: (%)
+ LegendI[disk]: / Disk used
+ LegendO[disk]: / Disk Used
+ Legend1[disk]: / Disk used
+ Legend2[disk]: / Disk used
+ Title[disk]: Disk usage
+ PageTop[disk]: <h1>Disk usage</h1>
# indexmaker --columns=1 /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html
